[X&J #19] “Modern” Basketball: What Is It, Exactly?
Bob and Mike discuss the concept of "modern" basketball that we hear so much about. What does that term mean? And how (and why) are offensive and defensive system evolving?
Bob and Mike open with some discussion about (what else?) IU football, as well as Hoosier Hysteria and some IU basketball recruiting.
Then it’s down to business for the main segment, which is dedicated to one of the most common buzzwords heard today when watching hoops: “modern” basketball.
What exactly does that term? And how are offensive and defensive systems evolving?
Segment 1: If Everyone Runs Motion and Plays Help Defense, Why Does It Look Different Than It Did?
What is a “good” shot? Getting Your Shot and Preventing The Other Guy From Getting Theirs
What It Was and What It’s Evolved Into? The Move From Passing to Dribble Penetration
How Do You Balance The Need For Freedom Against the Necessity of Structure?
Segment 2: Leads, Posts and Wings- How Changes In Player Skill and Athleticism Is The Leading Factor In What Teams Do.
What Does The Modern Player Look Like? (And Yes, They Are Built Better)
Why Team Chemistry Still Matters A Great Deal? Longevity + Culture= Winning
Davids and Goliaths: How To Mitigate Your Weaknesses Versus Your Opponent’s Strengths?
Segment 3 and Wrap Up: The World Is Flat: An Idea and Innovation Can Span The Globe The Next Day
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