my observations

1-our 2 oldest most experienced players are Gs, and both are way too often CARELESS, espec'ly w the clearly open inlet pass to the bigs, who are dbl or trpl teamed - just blind, stupid, telegraphed passing for the rapid TO, not the likely A - poor mental players, twitchy, reactive ADHD types, not visionary, in control, anticipatory as such experienced positions (and true coaching-esp'ly the over $7M worth on the bench) should have taught them

2-refs are corrupted against X - he was allowed to be roughed up by WI and the refs - I think it was about the 8min left in the game mark - totally let Wahl nail X hard on a 'moving' pick near the arc-refs clearly watching let it pass (I think maliciously)...

3-their FT shooting basics are horrid - again ADHD type kids, poor coaching from the $7M club - they don't pick up the rim until almost the release, way too late for the brain-hand coordination to consistently complete the uncontested shot, the intended target

4-Woody should retire, gracefully and thanked, w/ full honors from IU, or return to the NBA...he adjusts for an NBA style game, a set here, a set there, but the team is recurrently unpracticed, unprepped (obviously, "they practice", but game performances reveal F like results for their efforts) for the duress and needs of a D1 game, from deftness of passing, shooting-shot readiness, blocking out, being too, too damn predictable, easy to guard - they're just not well programmed, prepped and ready for D1 competition... that's ALL coach responsibility, espec'ly in the era of the ADHD-media distractable type of modern day student-athlete - and he proves he cannot change that approach: as he said, "I never wanted to coach", and "I'm not going to change that approach"...it shows, he's reactive (NBA like) not studied and prepared (D1 required)!

5-how, the hell can you forget 4 yrs of Coach Knight didactics and tactics of being in 100s of his game readying practices? As most of his former players said, practices were much harder than games - duhhh - the teacher RMK's prescient purposeful approach - our last consistent success!

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and 1 more

6-Ware will be gone to the NBA draft this yr, probab'ly a top 15 take and why we'll need a new coaching staff as I fear the portal will be harsh on IU - players and their agents and parents see Woody's limits, too

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