Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Jerod Morris

Tony, really good stuff as always. I am probably more skeptical that we will have some epiphany and see a major change in the team. There are too many indicators that we are a poorly constructed roster. Unfortunately, our style of play on offense and defense is not going to give this roster the best chance for victories against better teams. In some ways, it lays open our problems and allows teams to take advantage of our weaknesses. Better teams like St. Mary's, Arizona, Kansas, UConn, Miami, etc. have demonstrated how to take advantage of us in the past. In the last Inside the Hall pod, Ryan said we can probably hang with everyone but the top 25% of the teams and that sounds and seems about right. Unfortunately those better teams can really make us look bad. As you said, there is a lot of the season yet to play but the analytics point to a team that is playing at a very mediocre level. I expect Kansas to do a lot of what Auburn did and make it really tough on our bigs. In some ways it feels like a return to the days of when Justin Smith, Joey Brunk and TJD were fighting sagging defenses while our opponents begged our outside players to shoot.

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I am not taking issue with your well organized information, but I also see a positive future in the long run. The long run being the next two years. Sometimes we get so lost in the negative that we are blinded from the positive. Just one of the examples is this: Purdue has clearly been the best team in the Big Ten over the last two years as well as one of the three best teams in the country over the last two years. Mike Woodson's two Hoosier teams have played Purdue four times over the two year period. Mike Woodson's record against Purdue over those four games is 3-1. If not for a missed three pointer at the buzzer their record against Purdue over the four games would be 4-0.

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Bob, I hope you are right. Purdue is a tricky comparison for several reasons. First they are a rivalry game and lots of odd things happen in those like Rob going for over 20 points in a half (the only time in his career to do that) or Fino going for 35. In both cases they kind of exposed Purdue's problems. Much like losing to low ranked teams in the NCAA's that have really good guards or dropping the game to Northwestern for the same reason, Purdue is built for the Big's style of tackle ball. But a giant in the middle that apparently never fouls and let him bull doze for 30. Works great with Big officiating, not so much when they get to the tournament. Still it was an accomplishment to pull those wins off and they were much needed for the fans. But generally we have struggled with athletic guard oriented teams and higher ranked teams outside of Purdue. Hopefully that changes but I am not sure this team is constructed for that.

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I appreciate your analysis which paints a sad picture. I still believe there is a lot of talented players on IU team which has not been solidified into a cohesive team. I think the "two team rotation" is not going to work.

Just like TJD and Race played most of the games last year, I think Ware, Reneau, Galloway, Magako, Cups and who ever is "hot" off the bench, need to play the majority of the game, with rotating in the best on the bench one at a time when foul trouble occurs or tiredness relief is needed. The team needs to build confidence in shooting the 3 ball, be aggressive on both offense and defense for the full 40 minutes, hit 80+ % of their free throws, and protect the ball. I know that is asking a lot, but they have the talent to do it all.

Don't give up on the Hoosiers.

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At this time I think this is nothing but garbage to much talent I hope this team ends up giving the finger to them all who set their selves up as pro so sick of speculators

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