[Xs & Joes #4] Discovering The Sweet Spot: How a National Championship Winning Trend Was Exposed
In Episode 4 of Xs and Joes, Mike Wiemuth (iu-in-philly) and Bob Moats (cbobmoats) tell the origin story of The Sweet Spot™ -- what it is, how it came about, and what it means for hanging banners.
[Xs & Joes #4] Discovering The Sweet Spot: How a National Championship Winning Trend Was Exposed
[Xs & Joes #4] Discovering The Sweet Spot…
[Xs & Joes #4] Discovering The Sweet Spot: How a National Championship Winning Trend Was Exposed
In Episode 4 of Xs and Joes, Mike Wiemuth (iu-in-philly) and Bob Moats (cbobmoats) tell the origin story of The Sweet Spot™ -- what it is, how it came about, and what it means for hanging banners.